Autore: Claudia De Rosa - Editore: Simonelli Editore

Genere: Saggistica
Pagine: 108
Anno: 2009
Isbn versione PDF: 978-88-7647-408-8

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The dolphin is a very group-oriented sea mammal. Dolphins fish together, play together, enjoy sexuality and childrearing, and have a strong focus on the protection of the group. In order to keep the group together they must be caring, loving, communicative and exist together peacefully. The group works together to protect against predators such as sharks, humans and killer whales. However, in order to co-exist cooperatively and peacefully, dolphins may need to suppress anger, violence, competitiveness, jealousy and not being taken care of. Sounds familiar? Humans have much the same issues, and humans who resonate with the dolphin feeling can benefit from Lac delphinum as a medicine.

Il delfino è un mammifero acquatico che vive in gruppo. I delfini cacciano insieme, giocano insieme, godono la propria sessualità e crescono i propri piccoli, hanno un forte istinto di protezione del gruppo. Per preservare l’unità del gruppo devono cooperare, essere comunicativi tra loro ed esistere insieme pacificamente. Il gruppo lavora insieme per proteggersi dai predatori quali gli squali, gli esseri umani e le balene. Tuttavia, per coesistere in cooperazione e pacificamente, i delfini possono avere bisogno di sopprimere la rabbia, la violenza, la competitività, la gelosia e l’indifferenza. Suona familiare? Gli esseri umani vivono perlopiù le stesse emozioni e gli esseri umani che condividono la sensibilità del delfino possono trarre beneficio dal Lac delphinum della medicina omeopatica.

Chaudia De Rosa, Classical Homeopath, registered member of the International Association of Homeopaths (ISHom) and of the Italian Association of Homepaths (AIO). Trained at the ‘Irish School of Homoeopathy’, Republic of Ireland,  and at the 'School of Homeopathy', Devon, England, I have experience in the treatment of learning and behavioural disorders, autistic spectrum disorder, allergies and food intolerances, panic attacks, teenagers age, childhood, menopause, pregnancy. Nutritionist and Iridologist with Pharmaceutical backround, I turned to Homeopathy and to teaching because I passionately believe in the homeopathic way of promoting health and curing sickness.
Born in Italy and brought up by a conventional and conservative but very caring and nurturing typical southern Italian family I've always been interested in holistic therapies ( yoga, aromatherapy, flower-therapy, etc) and because of personality I've always been treated like the 'black sheep' of the family.
After completion of my studies, first in Humanistic Science and then in Pharmacy and Chemistry, in a bid to escape the suffocating atmosphere I was living in I made a break for Cork, Republic of Ireland, and the travel industry. 
It has been in Ireland - perhaps thank to the Celtic atmosphere or to the easy going and simple life style- that I can happily say I finally have found my true self! And so in the attempt to learn English for daily survival I made a break through my life and I begun my training in Homeopathy.
I lived and practiced in Cork for over 9 years and I still make frequent fly-backs so that my two little and wonderful Irish children, Julia and Joshua, can visit home..
Back to Italy, in 2008 I decided to set the first E-learning Homeopathic Program  because I wanted to give something back at a more meaningful level and because I do believe that life is indeed a rich tapestry woven from the many strands of one’s life experiences and I wanted to make my experiences and enthusiasm useful to others.                                                                        
Vis Vitalis E-learning Program has been recognised by the Italian Health Board as E-learning Homeopathy and Alternative Therapies Provider.

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