She arrived here behind a coffin

Autore: Maria Santini, translated by Clare Norman Cuzzer - Editore: Simonelli Editore

Genere: Originals
Pagine: 237
Anno: 2017
Isbn versione Epub: 978-88-9320-088-2

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Ladies over the Top: Alexandra Feodorovna, the last tzarina of Russia.

Can you be the best of wives and mothers and also the ruin of an Empire?
If your name is Alexandra Feodorovna, Empress of Russia, then you can!
She had a sole mission in life : to keep her haemophiliac son alive for him to become the next autocratic ruler of Russia. This dedication largely contributed to the Revolution taking firm root and her horrendous death together with those she loved.

Maria Santini, was born in Turin but she lives in Rome since many years. Her insatiable intellectual curiosity is a characteristic of this author who has many mistery novels to her name and various biographical essays. All her Books and eBooks are published by Simonelli Editore.

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