SEMANTIC WEB - Introduction to Semantic Web languages

Autore: Carlo Menghini, Valentina Bartalesi Lenzi - Editore: Simonelli Editore

Genere: Quaderni di Cultura Digitale
Pagine: 450
Anno: 2023
Isbn versione Epub: 978-88-9320-312-8

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Università di Pisa - 2
Pisa University - 2

The Web makes a very large amount of information available to users in the form of documents. The Semantic Web is a fundamental extension of the web as it allows, in addition to documents, the sharing of data (including document metadata) in a standard format along with their semantic context expressed in a formal and shared language. Applications in documentary science, biology, cultural heritage and electronic commerce have already demonstrated the validity of this approach.
This volume, written in English, constitutes a gentle introduction to the technologies and languages of the semantic web, clearly illustrating the steps necessary to transform a product published on the web into a set of data that can be processed and reused across applications, users and communities.
This is the second monograph of the ebook series "Digital Culture Notebooks" edited by the Laboratory of Digital Culture of the University of Pisa ( and published by Simonelli editore. The series houses short monographs on tools and research in the field of Digital Humanities which emerged from the work of teachers and students who collaborate with the Laboratory itself. It aims to support a wider dissemination of digital culture, understood as the field in which the humanities and some sectors of informatics interact and collaborate.

Already published in this Collection:

- PENSARE DA INFORMATICI - Una guida per insegnanti di Elisa Iacopini

- PIONIERI FRA DUE CULTURE - Informatica umanistica a Pisa in onore di Maria Simi
a cura di Enrica Salvatori, Susanna Pelagatti e Chiara Mannari

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